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Aluminum special!

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Aluminum? What, how and where?

Intrigued by Prof. Exley's research and explanation, I have trouble turning on Netflix these days. My mission is to inform the Netherlands about this research so that people can make their own choice whether to include ACILIS by SPRITZER® in their daily diet. This is to help their body with aluminum removal and the creation of new cells. Few people know about this so please take advantage of it and share it with others.

Origin Aluminum.

Aluminum we get from the ground it is the third most commonly found constituent of the earth's crust. The three elements most abundant in our earth's crust Oxygen 46.6,% , Silicon 26.6 % and .......... Aluminum 8.1%
Aluminum has only been extracted from the earth and used as mineral salts and metal since about 140 years ago. Since then, Aluminum has been the most versatile chemical compound in existence. From airplanes to deodorant even as an additive in candy for our children, aluminum can be found everywhere these days.

Aluminum and its forms.

Aluminum (atomic number 13, symbol Al).
Density 2.9 g./m³ and a melting point of 660.04 °C.
Virtually insoluble in water except in the forms Aluminum Sulfate and Aluminum Chloride.

In the body it resides in undissolved form making it difficult to excrete and remains in various places in our bodies. Professor Exley dares to claim that we now experience a load of atoms Aluminum in every cell of our body.

His research has shown that drinking Silica-rich water with a high concentration of Silica/Silica OSA (usually indicated on bottles with SIO2) can bind with Aluminum and form the compound Hydroxy Alumino Silcate, allowing the Aluminum molecules to leave the body via the kidneys and urine more effectively. This will also allow the secretion of perspiration to contain more Aluminum.

So how do we get that and what is it in ?
*In Nutrition.

Think of : packaging, foil, pans, cans, cutlery yes everything actually , even in our food and drinking water is added .

*In The Air.

We breathe it in with all the air pollution from vehicles and industry, and over our little country hangs a big blanket of airplane emissions, among other things.

*In Medicine.

It is a great and cheap substance to use because it can be used for various reactions such as masking the PH value of a certain drug so that it is accepted by the body .

*In Deo/make up/care products.

Just look on the Deo it is used to seal off the sweat gland they say , they don't tell you that the function is actually to inhibit(inhibit the permeability) of the cell membrane of the sweat gland , otherwise Deo would have to be registered as a drug . Do you get it yet a little ?

*In vaccinations.

Aluminum salts(chloride) are used to induce the right inflammatory reaction , they say this is conducive to fending off the disease gene in later stages , logical because you scare the body so much that it starts to see everything that is in the body at that time as dangerous ,(allergies?) the Aluminum cannot leave our body and is proportionally a huge dose directly in our blood making it transported everywhere by our immune system clearance agents (also to the brain) . These carrier cells will die and release their charge Aluminum which causes a new inflammatory reaction where it is currently located.

Over the past 50 years the number of deaths from Alzheimer's has grown more like 500 % for no reason , how long have we been vaccinating , when are we going to realize it?

*The Science.

Which is already so far gone they can't go back prof . Exley's research is not contradicted but also very difficult to fund , whether this is a scientific decision I leave in the middle .

Meanwhile, more and more articles are coming out about the truth behind the use of Aluminum. The people who are supposed to be doing the research are hiding behind a report that Aluminum cannot be harmful to humans because if you work in the aluminum industry you do not have an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. This research is from 1988!


The connection is plain as day to me. The increased Aluminum use in the world is reflected in the increase in global neurological disorders at various ages and many studies have shown the connection for years .

Surely it is too crazy for words that research shows that Aluminum is very bad for humans but the authorities do not do a thorough investigation following toxicology reports from 30 years ago .

Health ,

Dennis Nelisse

Professor C . Exley.
Aluminum Research Group.

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