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Silica water makes you more beautiful through collagen!

Home > Beauty > Silica water makes you more beautiful through collagen!

ACILIS by Spritzer® Silica water and collagen !

Silica water stimulates collagen production. This causes your cells to renew faster, giving you a younger appearance. With fresh and new cells on the surface of your skin, hair and nails. This happens on the inside too, of course, which actually makes all the cells in your body better maintained. Simply by drinking silica-rich water!

We have already heard from several hairdressers that they actually see an improvement in the hair of people from our clientele. The hair is shinier and smoother and there is less hair loss. So it is easy to see if it has results, just ask your hairdresser! Do always try to take care of your hair naturally, beauty comes from both sides.

So how does Silica Water work?

Your skin will recover faster as more new and supple skin cells are produced from the inside. This is a completely safe and natural "rejuvenation" method. You simply get rid of those older cells faster and everything is in better and more beautiful condition as a result!

Silica is known to speed up wound healing and also accelerate your skin refreshment. Drinking ACILIS by SPRITZER ® gives you younger and smoother skin from the inside out.

The natural nail also becomes more beautiful, stronger and shinier under the influence of more silicon in the body. ACILIS by SPRITZER ® is thus a simple and harmless way to become and stay more beautiful.

The agents that work from the outside in, like almost all beauty products, basically become unnecessary, making ACILIS by SPRITZER ® pay for its price handsomely.

This water gives your body a chance to get and keep its cells in optimal condition; that way you will always be the best version of yourself!

ACILIS by SPRITZER ® gives you PURE Beauty.

Radiant health,

Dennis Nelisse

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