Silica water and health.
Silica water is a unique product made entirely by Mother Nature. That Silicon is a very important basic substance in our system is known to many, that it is available in the form of silica (OSA) as water is unfortunately still unknown to many. Science tells us that 1 liter per day is enough to maintain our Silicon. So... Silica water and health, how easy can it be?
Silica supplements?
There are numerous supplements and forms on the market that try to mimic this power of nature, but ACILIS by Spritzer® Silica water is many times more powerful with an ideal PH value, your body absorbs it like water even before it leaves your stomach !
So silica water gives your blood an instant boost of silica, and there is no supplement that can achieve that.
Silicon in the form of Ortho Silicic Acid (silicic acid) has many functions in our body and often serves as a basic ingredient in the initiation of many processes such as collagen production and wound healing, among others. As we age, the Silicon content in our body becomes lower and this contributes to the aging process. When you maintain good levels of silicon, your body is well able to adequately replenish the inside of your body with collagen and cleanse it of aluminum, among other things, while at the same time taking care of your appearance from the inside by replacing all your cells faster, repairing, strengthening and keeping them supple.
This will give you tighter supple skin and beautifully shiny hair and nails. How easy do you want to maintain your body? Silica water, your body deserves that respect!